What we know, is what we share

It is okay to talk about Sex

Young people from different backgrounds have less access to sex education and access for information , so we  help them in all possible ways to regain their knowledge  in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights  in life.

What we do

Y-PEER Sri Lanka is a groundbreaking and comprehensive voluntary youth-to-youth initiative. It is a network of youth-led and youth-serving civil society organizations, governmental organizations, community-based organizations, institutions, youth activists, young people, youth advocates and trainers working together on youth-related issues. The issues championed by Y-PEER Sri Lanka are physical and mental health, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) including HIV/AIDS; gender-based violence (GBV), youth participation, civic engagement and development of a culture of citizenship; preparedness and emergency response and peacebuilding.

We Provide Digital Sex Education

Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our Digital sexuality education is a diverse ecosystem which offers an opportunity to have a positive impact on sexual and reproductive health knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of young people.

We Educate

We run National E-Courses for the  youth for a better future.

We Empower Youth

Youth is not immortality , more than anything , youth is the power to make choices.

Ypeer Asia Pacific Centre


The Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center is a new regional office established in Bangkok, Thailand. The center is supported by RCNF (Robert Carr Funds for Civil Society Network), UNFPA Asia Pacific Regional Office (UNFPA APRO) and hosted by Youth Lead (the regional Asia Pacific Network of Young Key Affected Population) who is a partner organization of Y- PEER.

Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center will also be working together with Y-PEER International, UNFPA APRO, UNFPA Headquarters, and Country Offices and other partners, in order to support the peer educators of Y-PEER and other networks in the region. This year, the center will be supporting Y-PEER national networks with some small-scale funds, so that they work more closely on issues related to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and will help the establishment of new national networks.